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About our licenses

All Babblestock videos can be used in your advertising, royalty-free, in line with our Terms of Service. A Standard License is included by default with every purchase of a video, so you don't need to add it to your cart. You can purchase an Unlimited License for each video, depending on how many titles you intend to advertise with it.

Using a Babblestock video to promote 1 game?

You can use the included free Standard License if you intend to use the Babblestock video to promote only one mobile game title.

Upgrade to an Unlimited License to use the Babblestock video to promote more than one game titles - suitable for larger studios or agencies promoting multiple games. One Unlimited License must be purchased for each Babblestock video you intend to use.

Standard License

Using a Babblestock video to promote 2 or more games?

Purchase an Unlimited License to use the Babblestock video to promote more than one game title - suitable for larger studios or agencies promoting multiple games. One Unlimited License must be purchased for each Babblestock video you intend to use for promoting two or more titles. Whether promoting 2, 5, 10 or more titles - you only need to purchase one Unlimited License per Babblestock video.

Already purchased a Babblestock video with a Standard License but want to use it to promote multiple titles? 

No problem - simply purchase one Unlimited License for each of the Babblestock videos you'd like to upgrade.

Unlimited License